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Brainstorm Blog 3


For my Webventure project, I decided to explore ways in which I could follow the aesthetic and overall vibe of my previous projects related to the concept, “Wylies World''. I want the options and paths to relate to the choices I would make on a daily basis such as wake up early or wake up later, or go to class or skip class, or eat a burger or chicken tenders. I want these paths to determine whether you restart from a game over or persevere to the next level of completing my day. I want to make this project personal to me due to the fact that all of my previous work has been related to my life, the things that surround me, and the things I love. That is what I really am referring to when I use the phrase Wylies World. I want each page of this project to incorporate different aspects of my life whether it is evident through easter eggs or backgrounds or links. I want to add images of my favorite books, movies, my dogs, my friends, and family. I'm excited for this project since there is so much freedom involved in my decisions regarding what the paths to lead to. I plan on the finish point depicting me getting back in bed and calling it a day. The starting point will be me getting out of bed and starting the day. There will be multiple paths in between these two points that could take you closer to the finish point or set you back to the beginning or even send you elsewhere.


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